Highlights of our 2nd year programming (September 2021 - August 2022)
(All data collected from daily fieldwork, monthly activity reports and 81 Impact Assessment Surveys distributed in September 2022.)
Not only does this give proof of our programming's success now - but it shows the high potential for future sustainable, long term development. We are incredibly proud of what our beneficiaries achieved in just a year!
Translation and Transcription of Video:
Sharanya: When we are discussing in a workshop, are you afraid to say anything or put your thoughts forward?
Sunaina: No, before I used to be afraid, but not now, no matter who I speak to.
Sharanya: When would you be afraid before?
Sunaina: Before, when I wasn’t coming for football and tuitions (at Atoot).
Sharanya: Really? And now how do you feel?
Sunaina: Now I don’t feel scared.
Sharanya: Not of anyone?
Sunaina: No didi, no matter who I speak to.
Sharanya: No matter who?
Sunaina: Yes.
Sharanya: Okay. And when we go to your home what do your parents say?
Sunaina: They feel good.
Sharanya: Is it? What do they say?
Sunaina: They say they are such good people. They come to teach everyday but she forgets all your names.
Sharanya: Hmm?
Sunaina: She says tell me their names again.
Sharanya: Does she want you to keep coming to the Atoot programme?
Sunaina: Yes, she says till the time they come (to teach and play), don’t stop, keep going everyday.
Sharanya: Does she wake you up early in the morning?
Sunaina: Yes.
Sharanya: Do you have work at home?
Sunaina: There are house chores at home, but she says go, when you are free you can come and do the work. We leave home at 6 am and return at 4 pm, so after that we do the dishes and other work.
Translation and Transcription of Video:
Sharanya: Have you played football with this many people before?
Sudama: No.
Sharanya: How do you feel?
Sudama: I feel good.
Sgarnaya: After coming to Atoot have you made friends?
Sudama: Yes.
Sharanya: Who are they?
Sudama: There are many didi. I did not know many of them. I only knew 5-6 of them. Maya and some others are from my neighbourhood itself, but still I did not know them. After coming here I know everyone.
Sharanya: What happens now that you know everyone? Are you friends when you go back home as well?
Sudama: Yes. When we are bored and don’t know what to do then we visit each other. They come to visit my house, and we go to theirs everyone comes to visit my home and we go play together.
Sharanya: Do you enjoy being friends with everyone?
Sudama: Yes.
Translation and Transcription of Video:
Monika: Would you recommend Atoot to other girls’ parents? To send their girls in this program as well?
Meera: Yes, of course I will. Why not?
Monika: Have you ever told anyone yet?
Meera: Now whom can I tell? All the girls from my neighbourhood already attend Atoot’s program, so whom would I tell? Plus I have my own constraints/sorrows. Because of my health I haven’t really gone anywhere much out of my house, so I cannot tell anyone.
Monika: If there are any new children who come, then would you recommend Atoot to them?
Meera: Yes of course, I will recommend it. Why not? You are teaching them so well, you are keeping them so safe, and you treat them all so well, then why not? Even parents don’t take care of the children as well as all of you take care of them! I feel really nice - studying and playing is good. It is necessary.
Monika: So you would say you are happy (with the Atoot program)?
Meera: Yes, yes I am very happy! From my side there is only happiness!
Monika: Have there ever been any problems on your side due to us, due to our program?
Meera: No, no, not at all. There have been no problems/issues at all.
Translation and Transcription of Video:
What role do you think Atoot has played in the lives of the students at the school? How has Atoot contributed to the students’ lives?
Ramu: We had conducted a Sports’ Day program in school - in that we had high jump, long jump, running, and a throwing event. In that we saw that more than the boys, the girls had more active participation! More than boys, it was girls who participated. And that is when we realised that your organisation has made an impact in the girls’ lives. Or else earlier the girls would hesitate - “We are girls. How can we play? We don’t play such games. We don’t know how to play these things” - these are some of the things they would say. They would never come forward to participate. No matter how much we motivated them, they would never come forward to participate. However, this time they came forward to register on their own. “I want to play too, Sir. I will register my name as well, Sir” - this is how they came forward of their own accord and got their own names registered for the program. And the end result was so surprising - at the end we saw that in the whole school, only 1 boy from Grade 1, and 2 boys from grade 6 won prizes in the sports events. All the other prizes were won by girls! Can you believe it? All the remaining prizes were won by girls. Doesn’t that show how impactful your programme has been? In a situation where, just 1 year ago, even 1 girl was not interested in coming forward to participate in the sports programme, and today all the prizes are won by girls. That is definitely impactful.
Translation and Transcription of Video:
Atoot staff: Do you think your children have benefitted from coming for Atoot’s programme?
Manbhawati: Yes, yes. Maya can read and study much better now.
Atoot staff: Do you know what she has learnt? Do you remember anything of what she used to share with you when she used to return home from the programme?
Khushbu (interrupts) - Yes, she used to say…
Atoot staff: Let your mom answer, please.
Manbhawati: Yes, she would always come home and say English words - “Thank you, Hai, Hau (trying to imitate English words)” - all the time. “Bring me water, Mummy.” And I was astonished - here we are saying paani (local word for water), and here she is saying ‘water’ in English. She keeps telling me random words in English for things around the house.
Atoot staff: She tells you about things around the house?
Manbhawati: Yes. She keeps saying English words all the time - “Mummy, bring me water. Mummy please. Mummy hai, Mummy hau (imitating English words).” Things like that.